3/3/25 5:18 PM
Gold: $2,892.06
Silver: $31.65
Platinum: $956.35
Palladium: $937.00
G/S: 91.38
Pt/G: 0.33
map11005 Olive Boulevard
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Lot #: Go
Lot Title: 1806 Knob 6, Small Stars O-106, R.4 XF
Lot Number: 874
Description: The Before Collection. Overton-106 has a lightly recut "8" in the date, a knobbed 6, and on the reverse, there are six berries on the branch, the lower left one being small and barely visible against the branch. Complete sculpting of the feathers on the reverse instantly elevate the grade range toward XF, and Liberty shows full flowing tresses except at the very top of her head, where honest wear has smoothed over the most fragile details. A tiny rim ding can be seen above "LI" but does not particularly impact eye-appeal.
PCGS #: 6075
Estimate: $800-$1,000
Lot Status: Bidding has been closed for this lot.
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Hammered Price: $1,100
Price Realized: $1,265

Please Note: An 18% Buyers' Premium is added to the hammer price of all lots in this sale.

This lot may contain an item not certified by ANACS, PCGS, or NGC. While Scotsman Auction Co. is typically conservative in our descriptions of items not certified by one of these companies, we cannot guarantee our grading estimation will match their grade. We highly recommend that collectors seeking items certified by a third-party grading service only bid on items that have already been certified. No lot can be returned because of a variance in judgment with regards to grade.
1806 Knob 6, Small Stars O-106, R.4 XF
1806 Knob 6, Small Stars O-106, R.4 XF